11 : "that's [not] all she wrote..." : jasmin mckenzie : memphis, tn

"A student just asked me such an odd question. After completing only two pages of his independent reading, he raised his hand, called me over and said, “Do you ever be minding your own business, doing something random, and then just stop and think about death?” I just looked at him for a solid 20 seconds without answering and then replied, “Yes, actually that does happen to me”. He nodded, returned to his book and sighed before saying, “I hate when that happens”."

The final installment of the "that's [not] all she wrote..." series features the lovely and compassionate soul of  Jasmin McKenzie, a high school teacher living in Memphis, TN. Jasmin has that kind of spirit that invigorates everyone around her with her huge smile, seeking eyes and openness. That, coupled with her ability to put her hands up in air to let life take her wherever its whiley ways go make her the perfect person to battle through puberty-smell filled classrooms and into the hearts of high schoolers through her weaving of the Odyssey and Ta-Nehisi Coates readings. 

Do yourself a favor and peer into this woman's couple days through high school halls and a tender memorial service: