
Katie Joy Nellis : Poet, Painter, Barefooted Lady : Coatesville, PA

March 25-27, 2020

“I spent entirely too long discovering and enjoying the fact that I am not the only one to draw comparisons between Kylo Ren and Mr. Darcy. Also slightly disappointed not to be the first.”

Katie Joy and I met each other while we were studying abroad in Italy. We would both probably agree it was one of the best and most formative experiences of our lives. It was set up to be semi-monastic in structure, though it was more just a communal living and learning space, which was just as well.

Katie Joy has taught me more than once to care for the small things - a wounded bird, the soft echoes of an empty chapel, to mourn wild grass that has been cut down.

She participated in this project when I first started, back in September 2015 which you can read here if you like, to contrast her days then and now.

She is a painter, poet and songwriter living off of commissions and the fumes of poetry. I’ve recently taken solace in her own exploration of her Celtic routes with some ballads she has learned. You can listen to these soothing sounds here. And I highly recommend you pair her Field Notes with these sounds.

Without further ado, Katie Joy’s days in Quarantine: